
Shreembeejguru has often said that “every particle bears intelligence and there is a cumulative intelligence which governs the course of action of one single particle .” Chanting Shreem connects with the super intelligence invoked inside you by divine goddess Mahalaxmi. We all are working for Laxmi - lets connect with our sthool sharir , sooksham sharir and Karan sharir.– a science that helps a person realize the ultimate potential within. From this vision stem a multitude of projects, programs, and methods, all towards the same aim: to raise every human being to the expectations of the creator Mahalaxmi - MahaKali - Mahasaraswati .


ShreemBeejGuru is a Grihastha to Yogi & Mystic

Bharat is a country of global existence , gave birth to Ayurveda , so people of west must be laughing at us that we have 10 cr people suffering from Sugar , BP , Thyroid only . So he realised that the solution will only come from the traditional system of knowledge , by converting each grihastha to a yogi & mystic . Shreembeejguru has a unique ability to make the ancient yogic sciences relevant to contemporary minds, acting as a bridge to the deeper dimensions of life.
